About us

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As a public service company, Adif Alta Velocidad is at the service of the whole of society. Therefore, we are guided by a strategy that aims for our results and impacts to contribute, as much as possible, to improving people's lives. That is our ultimate goal and our fundamental commitment: to work every day, as managers and administrators of the railway network, to help improve people's lives.

Our company strategy is based on the responsibility we have to effectively respond to internal and external challenges, bearing in mind that we must do so at all times by balancing economic, social and environmental aspects, thus contributing to a model of development and progress that is truly sustainable.

Purpose, Ambition and Principles

Adif-AV (Adif-High Speed) is tasked with building and managing the high-speed rail network, which make up the Railway Network of General Interest. Bearing in mind that this is our main activity, and assuming the applicable legal framework that regulates our activity and the public policies developed by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, we have defined our purpose, ambition and principles:
To be a benchmark as an organisation focused on managing reliable, sustainable, safe and intelligent infrastructures that contribute to the new model of ecological transition.
To operate, manage and build a smart rail network adapted to the new, competitive and sustainable technological ecosystem, thus contributing to the SDGs

Delivering resilient infrastructure for all of society


To operate a rail network committed to the SDGs

  1. Inclusion and Justice

  2. People's prosperity

  3. Service excellence

  4. Equality and transparency

  5. Responsible use of resources

  6. Innovation and intra-entrepreneurship

  7. Transformation capacity

What do we do?

infrastructure usage fees

About us

Imagen del representante
Presidente de la E. P. E. Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias. Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

Back Casimiro Iglesias Pérez

Órganos de gobierno

Casimiro Iglesias Pérez

Director General de Planificación y Evaluación de la Red Ferroviaria

Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Trayectoria profesional
  • Pertenece al Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos del Estado.
  • Desde marzo de 2020 es director general de Planificación y Evaluación de la Red Ferroviaria del Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana.
  • Anteriormente, había desempeñado diversos puestos en el Ministerio de Fomento, entre ellos, director técnico de la Dirección General de Actuaciones Concertadas en las Ciudades, director técnico de la Subdirección General de Planeamiento de Infraestructuras, jefe del Gabinete Técnico del Secretario General de Infraestructuras, director general de Planificación y Coordinación Territorial y vocal asesor de la Dirección General de Planificación.
  • Entre marzo de 2009 y marzo de 2020 ocupó diversos puestos en Ineco, entre ellos, director de Consultoría, director de Negocio Intermodal, director de Negocio Intermodal Nacional y Negocio Europa, director de Negocio Aeronáutico e Intermodal y Director General de Negocio Nacional
According to Article 21 of Royal Decree 1044/2013 of 27 December, which approves the Statute of the Public Business Entity ADIF-Alta Velocidad (ADIF-High Speed), the members of the Board of Directors will not receive any economic compensation for attending its sessions.
Organisational structure