Quality and Customers

Adif and Adif - Alta Velocidad certify their management systems in accordance with IS0, UNE and EFQM standards with improvement plans which are renewed and audited annually.

European Seal of Excellence 500+

European Seal of Excellence 500+
Es el máximo nivel de reconocimiento obtenido del Sistema de Gestión de Adif y Adif AV basado en el modelo de Excelencia EFQM.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Obtenido en 2012 y revalidado en 2022 hasta junio de 2025.

Fragment title

In Europe

In Europe, the first European railway administrator to be awarded the Gold Seal of Excellence

In Spain

In Spain, the first public company of this size and importance to reach this level


Adif belongs to the exclusive group of Spanish companies with a level of 500+ in the Excellence in Management Club.

Quality certifications

Certificate of compliance with ISO and UNE national and international regulatory requirements, as well as with all legally binding regulations
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Adif and Adif Alta Velocidad Quality Policy

Quality Policy of Adif and Adif Alta Velocidad (Adif High Speed)
The Quality Policy is the framework that establishes the lines of action of the organizations in matters of quality management.The Quality Policy not only must prove the commitment of the organization in this matter, but must also be aligned with the Mission, Vision, Values and Strategy of the company.