Gender equality and diversity

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Adif undertakes to promote the necessary conditions for effective equality between women and men, as well as to banish any kind of discrimination. This challenge is a priority for the company's people management strategy, corporate culture, and social commitment.
People are Adif's driving force, as reflected in the 2030 Strategic Plan, and achieving full equality and diversity is one of the challenges that the company has set for itself. For historical reasons and given the sector Adif operates in, the company has a predominantly male workforce. Although female representation is progressing (18.67%), it is doing so more slowly than the company would like.
The goal is to speed up the pace so that the gender gap is narrowed, especially in certain professions, and to continue the ongoing trend of increasing female leadership, currently at 24.51%.


The commitment to a diverse and inclusive company is made possible through the following initiatives:


Adif is closely linked to the education sector to make the railway and its values known to the school and university population. Familiarizing younger generations with railway infrastructure and safety, respect for the environment, social cohesion, equality and diversity, public service, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an investment in the present and future of our company.
We want to stimulate interest in railway professions, particularly in engineering and technical disciplines (STEM), with a special focus on girls and young women.
Our goal is to attract female talent, increase the number of women in scientific and technological professions, and promote female leadership.
We also work to strengthen the presence of Adif and the railway sector in the academic world, by collaborating with human and teaching resources to spread the concept of sustainable mobility and infrastructures and to convey the company's vision and needs to universities.


This commitment to education is articulated through projects such as the following:

Collaboration with the Women and Engineering Program of the Royal Academy of Engineering

Adherence to the "STEAM Alliance for the female talent. Girls standing for science", an initiative aimed at reducing the existing gender gap in these disciplines.

Professional internship program at Adif

Participation in the Program "Members for a day: young people ready for an educational placement in the company"